Although I'm not shy even first time, I don't like to be touched easily.
It seems to be a kind of cat called Ragdoll, but I don't care about that. What I'm into these days are dried small fish called NIBOSHI, and bonbons made of wool. Also, when I open the curtains with my hands and look outside, it is interesting to see many birds and people moving around. When I sleep, it's either on a shelf in my bedroom or in an ugly box -called BUSU box- in the living room. So what? What's your problem? I'll live my life however I want.
ラグドールって種類らしいけど、そんなことどうでもいいわ。最近ハマっているのは煮干しと、毛でできたボンボン。で、カーテンを開けて外を見ると、鳥や人がちょこちょこ動いていてウケる。寝るときは、棚の上かブスボックスの中。ってナニ? 何が問題でも? 私は、好きなように生きてくわ
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+81 020 2222 2222